kaze emanuar

How Optimizations made Mario 64 SLOWER

How Modders fight Mario 64's Biggest Problem

Banjo Kazooie just got Decompiled!

Why Devs NEED TO know about Render Matrices!

64 Bits: Nintendo's BIGGEST Mistake

Mario 64's Physics are not perfect

Optimizing with 'Bad Code'

FIXING the ENTIRE SM64 Source Code (INSANE N64 performance)

The Folded Polynomial - N64 Optimization

Finding the BEST sine function for Nintendo 64

How I made the most beautiful N64 Level

Vacation With The Royal Scuttlebugs! (Release & Download)

Revolutionizing N64 programming! (SM64 Audio Optimization) (SOURCE CODE Download)

The Problems with Walls in Super Mario 64

Cryptic Stars in Mario 64 EXPLAINED

Better engine, Better graphics (Nintendo 64)

Satisfying Mario 64 Clips (Mario Builder 64)

1 Year Progress - What I've Learned!

How this emulator can get you HACKED

I made my N64 render over 8000 Polys (Koopa Karnival)

I Perfected the Mario 64 Model.

subscribing to pewdiepie on my nintendo 64 (AND STOPPING HIM FROM SAYING THE N WORD)

The Truth about the Fast Inverse Square Root on the N64

Maxing out the N64's Potential: Level Dev Log